Rochester, Minn., WorkForce Center Opens
24 Sep, 2014
The new Rochester WorkForce Center recently held a grand opening celebration at its new location at Rochester Community and Technical College (RCTC). Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) Commissioner Katie Clark Sieben, RCTC President Leslie McClellon and other local leaders welcomed job seekers into the new location.
Minnesota WorkForce Centers provide free support for job seekers, help businesses find workers, and help anyone at any stage explore and plan careers. Locating a WorkForce Center in Minnesota technical colleges ensures a connection with Minnesota’s pipeline of workers and available jobs.
“The new Rochester WorkForce Center building, located on the campus of Rochester Community and Technical College, is our seventh WorkForce Center that is co-located with a MnSCU institution,” Sieben says. “With this new facility, the critical forces are aligned to ensure targeted skills development to meet business needs in the southeast region.”
“At RCTC, our mission is to educate the workforce of southeast Minnesota,” McClellon says. “By locating a DEED WorkForce Center on our campus, we are enhancing our partnership with DEED in ways that benefit workers and employers, as well as our own students, faculty and staff. We are very pleased to be working with DEED and look forward to finding other innovative ways to meet the workforce needs of our region.”
Illustration by renjith krishnan at Free Digital Photo.net
Source: Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development