National Archives Go Underground
02 May, 2013
Interior of SubTropolis.
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), which oversees the management of all federal records, is now operating in 102,000 square feet of record storage and office space in SubTropolis, the world’s largest underground business complex, located in Kansas City, Mo.
This new facility combines several record storage operations to enhance productivity and meet NARA’s rigid security requirements.Tenants of the SubTropolis pay lease rates that are 30 percent to 50 percent less than above-ground facilities; achieve low utility costs that offer 50 percent to 70 percent savings in total energy costs; and have access to the largest foreign trade zone under one roof in the United States.
The constant temperature and humidity levels in the underground provide an ideal environment for storing paper, film and other media. Underground Vaults & Storage stores thousands of original movie and TV classics such as Gone with the Wind, The Wizard of Oz, M*A*S*H and Friends in the underground. Media Services, which has been located in SubTropolis since 1998, has expanded several times to meet customer demand for secure records management in a temperature-controlled, highly secure environment.
Learn more about the SubTropolis.
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