Workforce Training Going Deeper Into STEM

While unemployment in the U.S. holds steady, there continues to be lot of concern about workforce availability in industries looking for workers trained in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).

While unemployment in the U.S. holds steady, there continues to be lot of concern about workforce availability in…

26 Nov 9:13 AM 0

Renewable Power and Economic Development

The move from more traditional sources of energy to renewable energy sources has fired up on all cylinders not only in this country but around the world.

A report from Bloomberg’s New Energy Finance business consultancy, “New Energy Outlook 2018”, finds that there will be $11.5 trillion invested…

14 Nov 2:05 PM 0

Health Care Advancing as Both Economic and Technology Driver

Health care institutions represent a huge economic driver wherever they are located in a geographic region.

According to a report from the University of Pennsylvania, “The role of hospitals in community and economic development,” across differing regions, medical institutions (often referred to as “anchor institutions”) play a major role in…

22 Oct 11:44 AM 0

More Data Analytics are Helping Build a Business Services Bonanza

Financial, IT, health information and call centers lead business service developments in the U.S. and across the world

Business service clusters cling to the coasts for the most part, with the heaviest activity in the northeast and the western part of the country. They tend to follow major areas…

12 Oct 10:25 AM 0

Automotive Clusters Expanding Footprints in North America

Automobile manufacturing is still on a growth spurt, with more development in software aimed at tomorrow’s cars.

When looking at a map of automotive clusters in the U.S., it becomes readily apparent that the majority are located in the Midwest to Eastern parts of the country, occupying basically…

08 Oct 10:25 AM 0