Canfor Southern Pine Inc. Announces New Sawmill
15 Aug, 2022
The Mobile Chamber is proud to announce Canfor Southern Pine Inc. is developing a new state-of-the-art sawmill complex for manufacturing and processing wood products off Highway 43 in Axis, Alabama.
“This expansion reinforces Canfor’s commitment to the Mobile area, this community and their local workforce,” said Mobile Chamber President and CEO Bradley Byrne. “We’re grateful they’ve chosen to continue investing in our local economy. Canfor is an outstanding employer with a strong track record as a community partner.”
The new sawmill will replace its existing facility in the City of Mobile. This approximately $210 million investment will allow the company to retain about 130 jobs in a modern work environment.
“We are excited to be making this investment in a new state-of-the-art sawmill complex that will be built with next generation, innovative technology and transform our workplace to offer employees a modern facility that will operate for generations to come,” said Tony Sheffield, President, Canfor Southern Pine. “This investment will allow us to continue our legacy of operations and long-term commitment to Mobile County, enhance our manufacturing ability to better align with the high-quality products our markets demand, and importantly, it’s an investment in our people.”
The new sawmill will produce 250 million board feet per year using leading technology. The facility’s design also includes investments in a biomass-fueled lumber drying system to help the company meet sustainability and decarbonization goals.
“The Mobile County Commission is pleased to see Canfor make this significant business investment in north Mobile County. The new sawmill complex will incorporate cutting-edge technology in an industry that has played a very important role historically in our state and local economies. We look forward to their continued growth,” said Commission President Connie Hudson.
“Canfor’s announced expansion and new state-of-art facility will ensure the company remains a great community partner and local employer for generations to come,” Mayor Sandy Stimpson said. “We are proud to have Canfor’s headquarters right here in downtown Mobile and look forward to seeing their continued success as they provide the highest quality of service to the forestry industry in our region.”
“The expansion of Canfor is a strategic investment in the community, sawmill industry, and economy of South Alabama. As one of the most heavily forested states in the nation, Alabama has ample opportunity to attract significant new capital investment in the forest industry, and it’s apparent we’re doing just that,” said Governor Kay Ivey. “Mobile – and all of Alabama – has been proud to be the host of Canfor’s U.S. headquarters, and we look forward to seeing their continued, nation-wide success after this highly-anticipated and much-needed facility growth.”
Canfor expects the new facility to be open by the third quarter of 2024.