Employer’s Guide for Affordable Care Act
03 Jul, 2013
The Affordable Care Act will be fully implemented January 1, 2014, but it’s causing concern and anxiety for business owners right now. Employers are uncertain about the rules, regulations and seemingly mysterious fines.
The Business Owner’s Guide to the Employer Mandate: Affordable Advice for the Affordable Care Act, written by Mario K. Castillo of Monty & Ramirez LLP based in Houston, says the guide gives readers a basic overview of how the major parts of the employer mandate work, and empower them to make the right choices.
The guide is written for small and medium-sized companies who want to avoid breaking the law and employer mandate penalties.
Castillo says the law is complex, but manageable. The guide offers ways to minimize impact on your bottom line and on your business. The guide addresses questions such as:
- Is my company required to comply with the ACA?
- How much will it cost if our company doesn’t offer health insurance?
- I’ve heard about safe harbors. What are they?
- I have also heard about managing risk exposure. How do I manage risk?
For more information, visit www.montyramirezlaw.com or order the paperback guide at www.amazon.com.
Illustration by renjith krishnan at Free Digital Photos.net