Kentucky Launches Build-Ready Program
14 Sep, 2014
The Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development is launching its new Build-Ready program, a cost-effective way for communities to distinguish their site inventory to meet the needs of today’s site selectors. In addition to shovel-ready sites and pre-existing buildings, communities now have the option of proactively preparing and marketing land to potential companies without assuming all the risk and cost of constructing a building.
In short, a build-ready site is just that — one in which the preparation work has been completed and construction can begin almost immediately. This includes having community control of the land to be developed, preparing a building pad (prepared ground/soil/environmental studies), conducting preliminary design work, including project costs and construction timeframes, obtaining approved site plan permits and having necessary utility and transportation infrastructure in place.
“Communities that meet the minimum standards for each requirement of the Build-Ready program will drastically reduce the time it takes a company to select a site, construct a new building and begin operations,” says Mandy Lambert, commissioner of business development at the Cabinet for Economic Development. “By expediting this timeline and putting companies in operation faster, communities will make their sites more attractive.”
Image: www.thinkkentucky.com