
TexAmericas Center Announces New Qualified Site

TexAmericas Center Announces New Qualified Site

Copeland Site Ready for Development    
Texarkana, USA – TexAmericas Center (TAC), which owns and operates the 3rd ranked…


Tennessee is the Site for the IACMI

The University of Tennessee will lead the Institute for Advanced Composites Manufacturing Innovation, or IACMI, a $259 million public-private partnership. The Institute reflects a $70 million commitment from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and $189 million from IACMI’s partners.

The announcement was made in early January…

20 Jan 8:31 PM 0

Retailers and E-commerce Battle for Warehouses

Retailers, consumer goods and e-commerce companies are driving nearly 40 percent of all industrial real estate demand.

Following the biggest Cyber Monday ever, retailers and e-commerce companies are engaged in a heated battle for the biggest distribution center facilities in locations close to large populations. As retailers bow…

08 Jan 8:48 AM 0

Port of Lake Charles, La., Partners with Panama Canal Authority

Caption: Port of Lake Charles, La.

The Port of Lake Charles signed a memorandum of understanding with the Panama Canal Authority on Tues., Jan. 6 at its Police Department Security Center.

This new cooperative alliance will allow the entities to undertake, among other things, joint initiatives including marketing activities, training…

07 Jan 2:38 PM 0

CoreNet Asks: Are Our Offices Killing us?

Are standard offices killing us?

A new report from CoreNet Global, the world’s premier association for corporate real estate executives, service providers and economic developers, calls for companies to actively integrate exercise and movement into the work day.
The CoreNet Global Workplace Community and Eurocres Consulting recently conducted a…

29 Dec 1:11 PM 0

3,000 Acres Available in Greater Richmond, Va.

Expanding and/or relocating businesses looking for a Southeast U.S. location will find an inventory of industrial and commercial sites prepped and ready for development in the Greater Richmond, Va., metro region.

Commercial real estate firm, Have Site Will Travel Ltd., features nearly 3,000 acres of available…

10 Dec 3:54 PM 0