
TexAmericas Center Announces New Qualified Site

TexAmericas Center Announces New Qualified Site

Copeland Site Ready for Development    
Texarkana, USA – TexAmericas Center (TAC), which owns and operates the 3rd ranked…

0 READ MORE Launches New Site

Image: Jupiter Entertainment, Knoxville, Tenn., courtesy of TFEMC

The Tennessee Film, Entertainment and Music Commission announces the launch of its new website, The site offers immediate access to essential information regarding Tennessee’s thriving entertainment industry and a host of free resources for anyone interested in learning…

15 Sep 10:10 AM 0

Perficient to Site in Lafayette, La.

Perficient announces it will establish a software development center in Lafayette, creating 245 new jobs. The company is a leading information technology and management consulting firm serving large enterprise customers throughout North America across industries such as health care, financial services, retail, energy, electronics, automotive and manufacturing.
Perficient is the…

15 Sep 9:15 AM 0

Kentucky Launches Build-Ready Program

The Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development is launching its new Build-Ready program, a cost-effective way for communities to distinguish their site inventory to meet the needs of today’s site selectors. In addition to shovel-ready sites and pre-existing buildings, communities now have the option of proactively…

14 Sep 10:43 AM 0

Food Manufacturing Activity in U.S. Metro Areas

Garner Economics LLC profiles patterns of food manufacturing firms, employment, and wages in the 372 U.S. metro areas.

The processing and manufacturing of food products is a critical component of the U.S. economy. Without these facilities, Americans would not be able to access the quality or variety of…

14 Sep 10:00 AM 0

NAI Economic Briefing Webcast Sept. 16

September 16th, 2014
12:00 PM – 1:00 PM Eastern
Registration Required

Where are the opportunities for growth? Which markets are hot, solid, and weak?

Join Jay Olshonsky, NAI Global President and Dr. Peter Linneman, NAI’s Chief Economist, for an economic briefing. Linneman will address several topics during this…

12 Sep 11:47 AM 0