
Automotive Developments Today - and the Profound Changes on the Horizon

Automotive Developments Today - and the Profound Changes on the Horizon

The U.S. auto industry has flourished in part due to the influence of Japanese companies here…


Automotive Industry is Smarter and Lighter

By Rachel Duran

Intelligent transportation systems and mass reduction propel auto design and engineering.

It is believed in the future that the majority of vehicles on the road will be driven autonomously by communicating with networks operating from the cloud. Organizations, including automakers and Google, are already testing these connected…

13 Jan 2:28 PM 0

Automotive Picks Up Speed

By Mark Kleszczewski

After facing the biggest recession in decades, a global debt crisis and multiple natural disasters over the past few years, the auto industry in the United States has begun thriving again. Though the automotive market has yet to return to pre-recession levels, aging vehicles, expiring leases…

02 Jan 9:00 AM 2