
SkyWater Announces Proposed CHIPS Funding to Enhance Domestic Semiconductor Production and Capabilities

SkyWater Announces Proposed CHIPS Funding to Enhance Domestic Semiconductor Production and Capabilities

Federal investment of up to $16M and State of MN pledge of $19M expected to result in…


Are Economic Developers in Tune with Renewable Energy?

Renewable energy (RE) industries have experienced tremendous growth over the past decade. Continued growth of these industries has the potential to meet many of the country’s economic, environmental and social goals. But how do policymakers, investors, and economic developers best support the sustained growth of RE?
To help answer…

24 May 2:34 PM 0

MidAmerican Energy to Invest $1.9 Billion in Iowa

MidAmerican Energy Co. plans to add up to 1,050 megawatts of wind generation, consisting of up to 656 new wind turbines in Iowa by year-end 2015.  “The proposed wind expansion will not only add to MidAmerican Energy’s and Iowa’s position as a national leader in wind…

24 May 10:39 AM 0

Mississippi's New Energy-Related Legislation

As part of the Energy Works: Mississippi’s Energy Roadmap initiative, Gov. Phil Bryant has signed into law several pieces of legislation that position the state as a leading destination for energy-related economic development. The bills include a sales tax exemption on energy for manufacturing; an energy infrastructure revolving…

24 May 10:33 AM 0

Coming in the June issue of Business Xpansion Journal!

We are excited to bring you the “The Promise of Brand America,” an article exclusive that poses the questions: are your employees achieving the American dream?; and is that promise uniformly achievable across the USA?
 The Burghard Group executed a market research study among business executives to better understand the…

22 May 3:08 PM 0

National Archives Go Underground

Interior of SubTropolis.
The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), which oversees the management of all federal records, is now operating in 102,000 square feet of record storage and office space in SubTropolis, the world’s largest underground business complex, located in Kansas City, Mo.
This new facility combines…

02 May 12:05 PM 0