Port Lansing
25 Mar, 2016
Port Lansing, based at Capital Region International Airport, offers the convenience of clearing U.S. Customs locally without the frequent hassles and delays that are common at larger, distant airport hubs.
To use Port Lansing for your next international freight shipment, contact us or let your customs broker, freight forwarder or logistics provider know that you want to leverage local assets to gain efficiencies and improve profitability.
In a nutshell, Port Lansing is LOGISTICS SIMPLIFIED.
Among our features:
- Centrally located in Michigan with fast, convenient access to interstate highways and main rail lines.
- On NAFTA and major U.S. trade corridors.
- Access to more than 9 million consumers in Michigan and proximity to major markets and 91 million consumers within 500 miles of Port Lansing.
- On-site U.S. Customs and Border Protection staff, which means faster customs clearances and consistent releases on imported merchandise.
- Foreign Trade Zone No. 275 offers international businesses the opportunity to improve cash flow and operational efficiency by deferring, reducing and eliminating duties.
- 8,500-foot runway that can accommodate the largest aircraft cargo freighters.
- Complete on-site air and ocean freight-forwarding services.
- Shovel-ready property available to suit any company’s needs.
Increase Global Competitiveness
The Port Lansing Global Logistics Centre is a full-service commerce park on the grounds of Capital Region International Airport.
Port Lansing boasts many properties and facilities to meet your needs, whether you’re looking for warehouse space, a hangar for your aircraft or shovel-ready land on which to build your custom production/distribution facility or company headquarters.
If you are looking for prime property either air-side or within close proximity to the airfield, Port Lansing has options to accommodate your office warehousing and special facility needs including:
- Late lockout times by the airport’s air cargo carriers to expand your shipping window by hours each day.
- Access for your company’s busy executives to LAN’s non-stop and one-stop passenger destinations.
- Hub for UPS’s Michigan Air operations.
- Shovel-ready sites up to 100 acres.
- Flexible leasing terms.
- Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) sites.
- Customs bonded warehouse sites.
- Excellent highway access.
- Fast-Track Permitting.
Highlighted Property
This 48,000-square-foot cross-dock multi-tenant facility is designed with truck high-dock doors and drive-in ramp space for each suite.
Office space is built to suit. On-site FTZ services available.
Long-term favorable lease rates available for air-side and land-side properties.
Up to 100 acres have been airport master planned for development.
Sites available for development: Download PDF
Sites with airfield access: Download PDF
More Information on Port Lansing
Tax Incentives
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Learn how Port Lansing takes business international
Tom Cross
Director of Cargo & Global Logistics Development
Email: tcross@craa.com
Phone: 517-886-3716
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