More Foreign Trade Zones Handling an Ever Growing Bounty of Goods
There are more than 5,300 free trade zones (FTZ – the U.S. calls them foreign trade zones) in the world, spread out over 140 countries, according to the 2019 Congressional Research Service (CRS). China alone has almost half of all worldwide FTZs—2,543.
FTZs were created in the…

Intermodal Distribution Systems
Intermodal distribution can be broken down into four simple steps.
Transfer goods from a port, choose a means of transporting it to its destination, unload it closest to its final destination gathering point, and re-arrange it to get it to where it will be sold to the consumer—which…

The Health Economy
The health care business is massive, and has been on the move over the last ten years, affecting the economic situations in nearly every area where a healthcare business, clinical lab or medical-related university institution is located.
McKinsey Quarterly reported about SAP, a global software company based in According…

Data Centers
Data centers across the country are shifting into an accelerated growth mode that affects nearly every business on the planet.
Corporations have seized on the opportunity presented to them by access and accumulation of more data to provide goods and services faster, to more remote areas, with greater depth of…

According to figures from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (USEIA), about 80 percent of the nation’s energy comes from fossil fuels, 8.6 percent from nuclear, and 11 percent from renewable sources that include hydroelectric power, geothermal, solar, wind, wood, waste and biofuels.
Clearly, green sustainable energy has…