Partners in the Great Outdoors
Caption: Vista Outdoor is on an aggressive expansion schedule, which includes acquisitions including Jimmy Styks’s, which makes paddleboards. Photo: Vista Outdoor
Superior business costs and quality of place are must-haves for outdoors industry.
By Rachel Duran
When former U.S. Olympian and four-time world champion kayaker Eric…

Editor's Notebook: Work That Inspires
What do a startup sunglasses company, a former Olympian, and a $2.3 billion outdoors company have in common? The desire to be innovative, have fun and play, and grow successful companies from inspiring and business-friendly locations.
Eric “E.J.” Jackson, a champion kayaker and Olympian, called White County…

Connecticut Funds Manufacturing Innovations
By Rachel Duran
Caption:Rendering of Pratt & Whitney’s 425,000-square-foot building that will serve as the company’s global headquarters and world-class engineering facility. Image: P&W, a United Technologies Corp. company
The Connecticut Manufacturing Innovation Fund is one of the most innovative state-level economic…

Commercial Opportunities Move Aerospace Forward
Unmanned Cowboys CTO Ben Loh and CEO Dyan Gibbens demonstrate their Atlas UAV at a Senate Aerospace Caucus luncheon. Photo: AIA
Interview by Rachel Duran
The aerospace industry creates lines that are less dependent on government-funded work.
Members of the aerospace industry continue to expand their commercial product lines…

Manufacturing Inspires Youth to Make A Difference
Students and instructors from Franklin County Career and Technology Center in southern Pennsylvania toured the Volvo Trucks Group facility in Hagerstown, Maryland in October 2013 as part Manufacturing Day, a nationwide event that connects students with manufacturers. Photo: David Bohrer/National Association of Manufacturers
By Rachel Duran
Manufacturing Day showcases…