Quality Places

Business Starts Here

Business Starts Here

Tennessee is known for its sound fiscal management and new investments in the economic ecosystem. The state…


Montana’s Sound Finances Mean Predictable Business Costs

By Sharon H. Fitzgerald

Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer says his state is a great place to do business because Montana does its own business so well. Schweitzer wraps up his second and final four-year term in January with the state’s fiscal house in order.

“I’ve run eight…

28 Nov 4:23 PM 0

Hawaii’s Transformative Efforts Creating New Opportunities

By Rachel Duran

Hawaii offers a unique business proposition, offering solutions for both Western and Asian markets. “Business people from Asian markets feel comfortable here because of our diverse population,” says Jim Tollefson, president and CEO, Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii. For example, Tollefson was recently visiting with an attorney…

28 Nov 3:10 PM 0

Florida: Where Success Stories are Blooming

By Sharon H. Fitzgerald

Florida’s economy is picking up “across the board,” and the state’s favorable business climate is one of the reasons why, says Gray Swoope, president and CEO of Enterprise Florida Inc., the state’s economic development agency.

For the current 2013 fiscal year, the nonpartisan…

28 Nov 2:59 PM 0