Quality Places

Business Starts Here

Business Starts Here

Tennessee is known for its sound fiscal management and new investments in the economic ecosystem. The state…


WEST VIRGINIA: Fiscally Responsible, Lower Costs

West Virginia is located in the heart of Appalachia, strategically located and connected to major metropolitan areas with road-to-rail accessibility up and down the Eastern U.S. and Canada.

The Mountain State’s diverse economy has moved beyond its history of resource extraction to include a robust array…

05 Nov 2:05 PM 0

NORTH DAKOTA: Friendly People, Endless Opportunity

Business incentives, government accessibility, and workforce performance, combined with North Dakota’s favorable position as one of the lowest cost states for operating a business, are driving companies to establish operations in North Dakota. Other factors include friendly people, incredible national parks, clean air, low crime rates and a strong…

05 Nov 1:14 PM 0

WYOMING: Work Hard/Play Hard

Wyoming leaders believe that strong partnerships between elected officials, civic organizations, chambers of commerce, economic development organizations, individual business leaders and community members are essential for a thriving economy. “Last year was a productive year for economic development in Wyoming,” said Shawn Reese, chief executive officer of the Business Council…

30 Oct 9:40 AM 0

Alabama: A Poorly Kept Secret

Alabama’s reputation as an economically backward state was shattered over two decades ago when Mercedes located its beautiful white M class SUV U.S. headquarters near Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Twenty one years later the company is about to embark on a billion dollar upgrade and in the interim both Honda…

17 Oct 1:14 PM 0

Georgia: Diverse and Strategic

With a pro-business climate Georgia reaches global markets through air, sea, rail and highway networks. This includes the fourth largest and fastest-growing container seaport in North America and the busiest, most efficient passenger airport in the world. Large logistics companies such as Delta Air Lines, UPS, SAIA and…

17 Oct 11:17 AM 0