Logistics and Supply Chain

More Coordinated Focus on Value and Expediency of Intermodal Operations

More Coordinated Focus on Value and Expediency of Intermodal Operations

As with so many global businesses, intermodal distribution has been seriously affected by the COVID pandemic. Help…


Rail is Vital Link in Supply Chain Strategies

Caption:A double-stack CSX intermodal train crosses the Bear Mountain Bridge on the northern portion of the CSX River Line, which runs from North Bergen, New Jersey to Selkirk, New York. Photo: CSX

Trucks shoulder most U.S. freight – but rail and intermodal transportation is on the rise, and…

04 Nov 3:36 PM 0

Logistics and Supply Chain Sector Rebounds

Caption: FECR provides reliable, flexible and safe end-to-end intermodal rail solutions to customers, reaching 70 percent of the U.S. population in four days or less. Photo: Florida East Coast Railway

By Mark Kleszczewski

Costs rise, but logistics sector moves forward.

Logistics is often undervalued by those outside…

28 Aug 4:24 PM 0

Intermodal Sector Ups Its Game

By Rachel Duran

Advances at intermodal developments boost supply chain efficiencies.

“Railroads are pushing and pushing to develop intermodal sites across the country,” says Tim Feemster, managing principal Foremost Quality Logistics, a supply chain consultancy based in Dallas. The results of the efforts are playing out throughout North America as…

05 Apr 9:03 PM 0

U.S. Rail Intermodal Volumes Surge

By Rachel Duran

A continued trucking capacity crunch sends more freight to intermodal operations.

The roadways of the United States are dominated by tractor-trailer traffic — 75 percent of freight that moves, moves on a truck. Beset by a number of economic and regulatory pressures, trucking companies are dealing with…

25 Nov 6:41 PM 0

Modern Logistics Offers Competitive Edge

By Mark Kleszczewski

Advances in the logistics industry and supply chains give companies a competitive edge.

The prospect of cutting-edge innovations such as “lights-out” robotic factories, customized 3-D printing and unmanned aerial delivery vehicles have put the spotlight on supply chains like never before. Yet it’s…

03 Sep 10:46 AM 0