
SkyWater Announces Proposed CHIPS Funding to Enhance Domestic Semiconductor Production and Capabilities

SkyWater Announces Proposed CHIPS Funding to Enhance Domestic Semiconductor Production and Capabilities

Federal investment of up to $16M and State of MN pledge of $19M expected to result in…


Increased Profits for Companies That Embrace Sustainability

Companies reporting a profit from their sustainability efforts rose 23 percent last year, to 37 percent of the total, according to a new global study by the MIT Sloan Management Review and The Boston Consulting Group (BCG). The report is entitled The Innovation Bottom Line.

The study, which is based…

06 Feb 9:31 AM 0

Colorado's Aerospace Opportunities

Anchored by critical military installations, glistening clean rooms, and a dynamic GIS and earth-observation industry, Colorado possesses one of the most diversified, high-potential space economies in the nation, concludes a new study released by the Brookings Institution. At the same time, argues the report, maintaining this preeminence in…

05 Feb 4:54 PM 0

Leveraging America’s Urban Food Cluster

ICIC recently partnered with the U.S. Conference of Mayors to report on new opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship in the food sector. The report is entitled: “Growing Economies: Leveraging America’s Urban Food Cluster.”

The sudden interest in food has the potential to bring more than high-quality meals…

05 Feb 4:31 PM 0

Pittsburgh: Development at Brownfield Site Coming Soon

The Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) of Pittsburgh has authorized work on an $80 million tax increment financing package (the largest in the city’s history) that would support major infrastructure improvements for a $900+ million dollar mixed-used development on the former LTV Steel site in the Hazelwood neighborhood of…

05 Feb 4:17 PM 0

Big River Steel LLC to Build $1 Billion Plant in Arkansas

Last week, Big River Steel announced plans to build a more than $1 billion steel mill in Mississippi County, Arkansas that will directly employ more than 500 people with annual average compensation of $75,000 a year.

The plans are contingent on approval by the legislature authorizing the state to…

05 Feb 3:47 PM 0